Commitment Ceremonies



Ceremony #1


Friends, today we are here to witness the public declaration of love between two people. 
You have been chosen to attend this ceremony because each of you is important to
_____ and _____ in your own special way.
Becoming partners represents an important new beginning. 
The essence of this commitment is the taking of another person in their
entirety; as lover, companion, and friend. 
It is therefore a decision which is not to be entered into lightly, but rather undertaken
with great consideration and respect for both the other person and oneself.

Love is one of the highest experiences that we human beings can have,
and it can add depth of meaning to our lives.  The sensual part of love is one of life's greatest joys,
and when this is combined with real friendship, both are infinitely enhanced.
The day-to-day companionship, the pleasure in doing things together, or in doing
separate things but in delighting to exchange experiences, is a continuous and
central part of what a couple who love each other can share.

A union symbolizes the intimate sharing of two lives, yet this sharing must not diminish
but enhance the individuality of each partner.  A union that lasts is one which each
person is individually developing, while growing in understanding of the other.
Deep knowledge of another is not something that that can be achieved in a short time
and real understanding of the other's feelings can develop fully only with years of intimacy. 
This wonderful knowledge of another person grows out of really caring for the other so
much that one wants to understand as completely as possible what the other is feeling.

Thus, it is possible to share not only joys and successes, but also the burden
of sorrows and failures. 
To be known in this way is a priceless thing,
because such understanding an acceptance make it easier to live with our
problems, failings, and worries.
But, again, while a union is the intimate sharing of two lives, it can yet

enhance the differences and individuality of each partner. 
We must give ourselves in love, but we must not give ourselves away.
A good and balanced relationship is one in which neither person is overpowered
or absorbed by the other. 
Thus, it is out of the tension between separateness
and union that love, whose incredible strength is equal only to its incredible fragility,
is born and reborn.

_____, it has been said that two people in love truly in love are already joined together. 
If this is true, you have been ____’s partner beyond the barriers
of time and for many eons.  Your love transcends this earth. 
Your strength enhances your love and complements your strength. 
Are you ready to make the outward commitment to _____ in front of all these witnesses?
I am.

_____, throughout the years, many have taken this step of commitment to one another.
Do you feel that you are ready to enter into this contract, equally and lovingly.
Do you bring love and support to enhance this relationship? 
Knowing that love is boundless, are you ready to make the
outward commitment to ________ in front of these witnesses?
I am.

Minister (to P#1): Are you prepared to enter into this partnership equally, and individually?
P#1: I am.
Minister (to P#2): Are you prepared to enter into this partnership equally, and individually?
P#2: I am.

Please join hands and look into each other’s eyes, and together, repeat after me:
I promise that I will be strong for myself and for us. 
I promise that I will maintain my individuality and work to attain my goals.
I will contribute my time, effort and will to keep this commitment to us.
Love is limitless; it will rise above anything if we give it a chance.
We will never grow old for as long as we love, our love will keep us young.

What item of your love have you chosen to be reminders of these vows?
We have rings.
May I have the rings please?
A circle is the symbol of the Sun, and the Earth, and the Universe.
  It is a symbol of holiness, and of perfection and peace. 
It is also the symbol of the eternality of spiritual truth, love, and life…
that which has no beginning and no end. 
And in this moment, _________ and _________
choose for it to also be a symbol of unity, but not of possession;
of joining, but not of restricting; of encirclement; but not of entrapment.
For love cannot be possessed, nor can it be restricted. 
And the soul can never be entrapped.

P#1-Place the ring on your beloved's finger and repeat after me…
This is not a chain to constrict and bind; it is merely a symbol of our eternal love.

P#2- Place the ring on your beloved's finger and repeat after me…
This ring, with no beginning or end, symbolizes our unending love for each other.

________ and ________
since you have chosen to share your lives together in this spirit,
you have married each other in your hearts,
and we rejoice to recognize you from this day forth as life’s soul mates....
Equal partners.

You may seal this union with a kiss!

Ceremony #2


Welcome friends!

We are here today because Joy and Tina have asked us to witness

their love, acknowledge their love, and respect their love.


Joy and Tina, on this day you take a giant step of courage.


With a commitment this strong, the force of that commitment, of

that love, of that courage, reaches out around you, so that our lives

are changed.


We share a part of your small pond; the ripple of the love from this

celebration stands and grows in each of us.


Joy and Tina, you are now taking into your care and keeping,

the one in the entire world you love the most.


You are adding to your life the companionship and blessing

of a deep trust.


You are to each other strength, responsilibility and love.


In human history, we have not discovered a better way

of life than sharing love in a lasting and responsible way.


You have found the one to share your love, companionship,

hopes, joys and dreams of life.


Real love is something beyond the warmth and romance …


It is caring as much about the welfare of your partner as of

your own.


Real love is not total absorption into each other, but rather

the sharing of two hearts, two minds, and two bodies.


Love makes burdens lighter because you have someone with

whom to share them.


Love makes you stronger in many ways and able to face life

in ways you dare not face alone.


(Repeat after me)

Tina, I offer myself to you as your companion, lover and friend,

and I promise to love you forever.


(Repeat after me)

Joy, I offer myself to you as your companion, lover and friend, and

I promise to love you forever.


What token of love do you choose to bind this union?


We have rings


Joy place the ring on Tina’s finger and repeat after me:


I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment

to you!


Tina place the ring on Joy’s finger and repeat after me:


I give you this ring as a symbol of my love and commitment

to you!


Joy and Tina,

May your lives together be joyful and content.

May your love be bright as the stars and serve

as a beacon for us, your friends.

May your love be as warm as the sun, as wild

as the oceans, and enduring as the mountains.


It gives me great pleasure to unite you both inseparably

to each other.


You may now seal you commitment to each other

with a kiss!



Ceremony #3


LEADER: There are moments in our lives that we mark with special ceremonies - ceremonies of celebration and of commitment - ceremonies that express our thoughts and feelings at a special time in our lives.

Today we are here to share the marriage ceremony of:

_______________________________ and _____________________________

In this ceremony, they will make public declaration of the private commitment they have already made to one another, and they will establish themselves socially and legally in a union of mutual caring and mutual responsibility.

In this union, each is saying to the other: Because I like you, because I care for you and know that you care for me, because I believe we are good for each other, because I love you - I want to share life with you.

We have joined them here today to celebrate their love, to acknowledge their union, and to support their commitment - a commitment for the good times and the hard times they will face. So we wish for them such goodwill and respect towards one another, and such support from others, that they may grow more strong in their love and be able to turn every crisis and challenge into an opportunity for the renewal and deepening of their relationship.

LEADER: We surround you now ____________ and ____________ with our good wishes and our loving thoughts, as you state your intentions and make public your commitment to one another.

LEADER: ____________, do you take ____________ to be your legal and wedded wife?

GROOM: I do.

LEADER: ____________ , do you take, ____________ to be your legal and wedded husband?

BRIDE: I do.

Groom and Bride say their promises to each other, repeating after the Leader:

GROOM: I, _____________, choose you, _____________, to be my wife,
to respect you, to care for you, and to grow with you,
through good times and hard times,
to love you and be your friend,
to share with you and be your companion,
giving the best that I can to fulfill our lives together.

BRIDE: I, _____________, choose you, _____________, to be my husband,
to respect you, to care for you, and to grow with you,
through good times and hard times,
to love you and be your friend,
to share with you and be your companion,
giving the best that I can to fulfill our lives together.

[A statement, or reading, may be be inserted here.]

LEADER: Marriage is a life born of sharing and sustained by sharing - a joining of two lives in mutual respect for mutual benefit - a union in which two people take responsibility for one another without taking over the life of the other, for love seeks to do right by the other, and to make life fulfilling and happy for both.

Such love gives expression to the best in human thought and experience.
From many different sources, we are taught: "Hold fast to the highest,"
"Do no harm," "Love the other as you love yourself," "Do for others as you would want them to do for you," and "So act as to bring our the best in your self and in the other person."

Inspired by this ideal of love, ____________ and ____________, now exchange rings, as symbols of their union in marriage:

GROOM: I, _______________, give you, _______________, this ring,
as a symbol of my love for you,
and my commitment to our marriage.

BRIDE: I, _______________, give you, _______________, this ring,
as a symbol of my love for you,
and my commitment to our marriage.

(The couple join hands.)

LEADER: And now, ____________, and ____________,
since you have made your commitment to one another,
and have exchanged rings to symbolize your union,
I give voice to your commitment and by the authority vested in me,


LEADER: May you have light to guide you on your way,
strength to uphold you at all times,
hope to lift you and inspire you,
and love to cheer your nights and days.
May you always rejoice in the blessings of family,
and the companionship of friends.
May your labors satisfy and your rest renew you.
May you go forth now in the spirit of adventure,
and grow together in understanding and helpfulness.
And may your union enrich the lives of all whom you touch.

(The couple kiss.)

Ceremony #4

We are joyfully gathered today to witness and to celebrate the joining of two lives in marriage. ________and ________ have invited you to be with them and rejoice with them as they make this most important commitment.

A wedding ceremony is an outward expression of something inner and real; a marriage is a sacred personal union which nature might mirror, or a state declare legal, but truly it is a joining of lives which only love can create and mutual loyalty fulfill.

Let us take a moment to focus on the beauty of this moment, when two of our friends make this sacred promise to each other.

There are so many words written on the nature of marriage, on how to make a marriage succeed, on what makes a good marriage. Today we will talk about _________ and __________, and how the one of the most wonderful things about their relationship is that that they both come into it fully whole, as separate individuals and that both of them recognize the value of that individuality.


A good marriage is that in which each appoints the other guardian of his/her solitude. Each realizes and accepts that even between the closest of human beings, infinite distances continue to exist. In such a loving and accepting atmosphere, a wonderful living side by side is born and can grow up.

When the partners succeed in loving the distance between them, they see each other whole against the wide sky. And each becomes the treasure beyond measure at the end of the others rainbow

(any promises and vows can be used, singly or in combination)

________ and _______ please face each other while you make your promises.

______, do you take _______ to be no other than himself...

Loving what you know of him/her, Trusting what you may not know...
With respect for his/her integrity, And faith in his/her abiding love for you...
Through all your years, and in all that life may bring you, do you embrace him/her as your life’s companion?

“I Do”


I ___________ take you _______________
to be my partner in life, and my true love
You have taught me how to trust,
How to love, And how to be loved
Today I promise to honor the happiness we have found together
I promise to love you, To respect you
And to grow with you
Throughout our lives together


The exchanging of rings is an ancient custom. The rings circular shape is a reminder of the eternal, of the cycles of life, of love without beginning or end. They symbolize your commitment to each other and remind you always of the joy you have found in having a partner to share your life with.

As you place the ring on _______ finger, please say to her/him

As a symbol of how endlessly happy you make me
and of how crazy I am about you,
I give you this ring, so you and the whole world
will know how much and how always I love you.

May these rings always remind you, of this day and of the love you feel for each other at this moment. And may the love that you give to one another always come back around again, in a perfect and endless circle.

READING (any reading can be chosen)

A soulmate is someone who has locks that fit our keys, and keys to fit our locks. When we feel safe enough to open the locks, our truest selves step out and we can be completely and honestly who we are; we can be loved for who we are and not for who we're pretending to be. Each unveils the best part of the other. No matter what else goes wrong around us, with that one person we're safe in our own paradise. Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.

________and _________, you have shown your desire to unite your lives by the giving of promises and the exchange of rings. At this time I am very happy to pronounce you partners for life!



Ceremony #5


The vows of Jane & Tess:

Minister: Jane, will you love Tess when you are together and when you are apart;  when life is peaceful and when it is disordered; when you are proud or her and when you are disappointed in her;  in times of leisure and in times of work;  will you honour Tess's goals and dreams and help her fulfil them?

Jane: I will.

Minister: Jane, repeat after me: "I Jane, take you, Tess, to be my partner, to love and to cherish you, to honour and to comfort you, to stand by you in sorrow or in joy, in hardship or in ease, to be both your lover and your closest friend."

Minister: As you place this ring, symbol of your commitment in marriage, on Tess's finger, repeat after me: "With this ring, I wed you and pledge my faithful love."

The Vows of Susan and Mary:

These vows come from my heart.  I pledge to love you forever.  To be open, honest, and faithful to you.  I promise to be your best friend — to laugh, cry, sing and dance with you.  To nurture your spiritual growth and to support your dreams.  To allow you freedom and room for personal growth to become the person you are yet to be.  I promise to help create a home filled with reverence for learning, loving, generosity, and serenity.  To bring gentleness to the relationship.  I promise to listen — and honour your words and feelings.  To work through the conflicts and to resolve our problems.  I promise to comfort and to challenge you.  And to nurture your sexual being and to be your romantic lover.

The vows of Joe and Randy:

And now . . . with this ring, and before our friends and God, I promise to stay by your side, sharing our tomorrows and all that they hold;  to be with you in good times and bad;  through sickness and health, and though times of happiness and despair.  I will always be faithful to our love and to you . . . my lover, my spouse, and most of all . . . my best friend.

The vows from David to Norman:

This is my commitment to you:
To always be here for you,
In comfort and in joy
For good, for better, and for best;
To always value your thoughts and feelings,
Even when they may differ from my own;
To always be honest with you,
Even when that honesty may be hurtful;
To always respect you as my best friend,
My one and only love,
And my soul mate,
In this life and hereafter;
And to never let any man, woman, animal or object
Become more important to me
Than this, out mutual bond.
To seal these solemn commitments,
I call as my witnesses
Oscar Wilde
Andy Wharhol,
Tennessee Williams,
Gertrude Stein,
and Alice B. Toklas.

______, I am proud to announce in public that I _______, take you, _______, as my lifelong partner. To share with you a relationship of love, tenderness and laughter.I will stand by you through all our tomorrows, respecting your individuality, your needs, and your changes and promise to enjoy your love throughout our lives.

"We gather today as Brothers in Christ to witness and celebrate the beginning of a new journey in life for these two that present themselves before us this day. This ceremony is the outward and visible sign of a sacred union of hearts and love. We rejoice in their commitment to one another and it is our prayer that they have a long and happy life together.

"The scriptures tell us of the love between Jesus and James and of David and Jonathan. It is only right and proper that Alex Clayton and Ted Baxter come forward to have their pairing consecrated. I would ask that they answer, before us all, these questions to declare their eternal devotion.

________, do you choose ______ to be your exclusive partner from this day on? Do you give yourself to him? Do you commit yourself to him for the rest of your journey in life? Do you pledge yourself to him in love and work; to cherish him above all others and respect his individuality, and encourage him in each endeavor he might pursue? Do you promise to stay and be with him through whatever life bestows upon the two of you, be it good times or bad, sickness and health, happiness and sorrow, until you are separated by death?"

Here is an example commitment ceremony. 


Friends and family of ______ & _______ welcome.  _______ and _______, we have come as friends and family to be with you as you commit yourselves to each other.  We have come because we want to support you, and wish you every happiness in the future.  We come with our love, friendship and support and this is the greatest gift we can give you.

______ and _______ are making this commitment to each other because they believe that their relationship is about committed caring and giving.  They are continuing to learn to share their lives with each other.  Their relationship involves being prepared to face together whatever adversity may arise from day-to-day living, it is enjoying all the good times that will be spent together.  Together you will share your desires, longings, dreams and memories and help each other through your uncertainties.  Such a relationship demands patience, tolerance, a sense of humour and above all, continual recommitment to each other.

Here amidst their friends and relatives, _______ and _______ wish to pledge their love for each other and their desire to spend their lives together. They wish to share within the joy of their relationship a deeper understanding of love and what it means.

This commitment you make to each other bears witness to a relationship so close and intimate that it will profoundly influence your whole future, unknown in its failures, its pleasures and its pains, its joys and its sorrows.

Realising the full importance of these words, it is a tribute to your faith in each other that you are willing to embark on such a future together.

Love is not easy but no greater blessing can come to your lives.  So may this love which joins your hands and hearts today, grow deeper and stronger as the years go on.

_______ & _______:

I give this ring as a sign and symbol of my love.


_______ & _______, in this commitment you have made special promises to each other, and have symbolised them by joining hands and giving rings;
I therefore pronounce you partners together in life's journey.
May you treasure this trust and responsibility and live full and rich lives together.

Minister gives a short talk about things to watch out for in their life together.


We are grateful for friends and relatives whose care and love have helped _____ & ______ through the past; whose patience and concern have been a constant source of strength and hope. These friends and relatives, many gathered here today, are cause for joy and thanks.

Our prayer now, is for ______ & ______, that they may continue to grow in love and mature as individuals.

May all they undertake together be tempered by respect, understanding and acceptance of each other.

Let their lives be a blessing, a sign of Christ's love in this broken world, so that unity may overcome estrangement, forgiveness heal guilt, and joy conquer despair. May their love strengthen them, so that they are enabled to reach out in concern to others,

Let ________ and ______ be to each other strength in times of need, counsel in times of confusion, comfort in times of pain, and companion in times of joy.

And we pray for ourselves - that love may be a reality in our lives, inspiring our thoughts, motivating our actions, reaching out to others as a sign in our world.


Let us spend a little time in silence thinking of _______ and ______ as they go forth to their life together.


We extend to you our interest and our good wishes, our friendship and our love in the promises you have made to each other.

May you have long life and every joy together.

May you live long together in joy and steadfastness through all the trials and triumphs that life has to offer you.

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others . . . they too have their story.

Be yourself, especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love: for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is a perennial grass . . .

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune but do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe ... the universe is unfolding as it should, therefore be at peace with God . . in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul.

Go in peace; as one. And may your unity last through all your life together; through the trials and triumphs that lie ahead of you, so that at the end you may feel just as you do now - very happy to be in love and together.

Go now in peace ....






I had always had dreams of the potential of my tomorrows, believing that anything was possible. Today, as I set out to live in this world and make a difference in it, it stirs my heart to know that you will be by my side. Your hunger for redeeming the promises of our tomorrows is as strong as my own.


Having found you, I have decided that there is no moment in my life more significant than this one. The moment I offer myself and all that I will become to you. May we share with each other, from this day on, the unending joy of growth and discovery.


Our love extends beyond earth, sea, wind, and flame. It is greater than who we are and meaningless without us. It is more powerful than our past, yet the foundation for our future. It has brought us here today to become one in the eyes of our family and friends, for all days to come. Our love is the essence of our lives.


Our choice is made. Our minds are clear and our hearts strong. This love means more to us than anything else in life. There is no person, precondition, or approval I value more than your love. There is no obstacle I would not overcome to reach you. I give myself to our union. I welcome you as my partner in life. May our love forever keep us strong.


 Rev. Theresa Collins

(813) 503-5529



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